Saturday, 10 May 2014

Oh my, it's such a big one

Sorry for the delay this week faithful readers - three late nights and three games in three days really takes it out of you at my age :-(

On Tuesday we played host to the Foden B at home. The only record of this game is a faded photo, found hidden at the back of the filing cabinet in the club house. I can only imagine that it was hidden because it shows that Chris Greenhill is regularly capable of the ruthlessness that he displayed last Saturday. I'm told half of Hodge Hill is in fear of it's life

"All right now, I'm comin' out. Any man I see out there, I'm gonna kill him. Any sumbitch takes a shot at me, I'm not only gonna kill him, but I'm gonna kill his wife. All his friends. Burn his damn house down".

Scary man is Chris.............

Wednesday saw us play our first game of the Super League season. Yes, you heard me, the first game. Captain Wiggy had problems picking from the 87 bowlers available so the team had a familiar look to it. Again, there are no photo's (God know's where official photographer Cilla was) but you all know what the Olton looks like by now. Anyway, the team won relatively easily against the British Oak B with a full house of winners.

Thursday started well as Rocky gave me a tour of the plants that he has been using to prettify the surrounds. He has done a fine job, and even Jamo has got involved with a plant of his own

The game itself passed without much incident. Well, no more than usual when you play against a team for whom most of them the rules are another country :-) Heart of England B win against Solihull Marsh lane by 30 odd. I was too busy taking pictures of plants to worry about the score - and I won so who cares!

The A team faced the short trip to Stoke Prior. I was sorry to miss this as I haven't played the green but Crags, in his inimitable style, told me that "you didn't !"£$%^& miss much!". See, everyone thinks i'm the angry and rude one, but if i'm Harry Percy in Henry the IVth part 1, Crags is definitely Richard the III. The words "Why, I can smile and murder whiles I smile,
And cry 'content' to that which grieves my heart,
And wet my cheeks with artificial tears,
And frame my face for all occasions"

have never suited anyone more than Craig Taylor.

Back to the game, and Craigs new partner in crime turns out to be Cat Crane, who in a despicable, appalling and reprehensible act sat and stuffed her face with grub whilst the rest of the team went without. Plaintive cries of "Please Cat, just one chip!" were met with scornful laughs and the scattering of crumbs on the floor. Craig said that he was ashamed that he and the rest of the team fought for the crumbs like animals, but being a swine himself he is secretly proud of Cat. It turns out she is on the committee now, so god help us all!

No pic of the board again, but there is a tasteful wide angle shot

David Bailey would be rolling in his grave, if he were dead.

1 comment:

  1. Calm down, calm down... Cilla 'ere - part time official photographer :-) - Absence update for Wednesdays match: Due to the fact that Wednesday Super League is a gentleman's only league Cilla was unable to partake in the image collecting because she wants to play and the boys won't let her so sulking is deemed to be more satisfying :-(
