Sunday, 1 June 2014

A shock Win, and close only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades

The weekend started with a shock win in the bomber Cup against the Kings Norton. Admittedly they were missing heavyweights Chris Baker and Jack Badham, but we were also 3 of our starting 12 missing

6 close games at home with four winners - JP, Rocky ,Killer Chris Greenhill and The Wiz left us down by 2 in the home leg.

The away leg Started Badly with CJ and Bucko getting 9 and 10 respectively. Scotty won to 12 however to keep us in it. I would say how they played but i was driving a Norton player home who had been called out at the last minute but was no longer needed home at the time. By reports though, CJ and Bucko worked hard against quality players and Scotty bowled very well for his win. Wiggy and Sav registered wins against the Norton late reserves 12 and 18 whilst I won 17, leaving us winning by 2 away and sneaking the victory by the 8 shot handicap.

Saturday was an odd day and left us all feeling like we had been run down by a truck and then reversed over for good measure. Odd really as when the result is looked at in the cold light of day it was a heroic effort on a hell of a green. I have only played it twice - once in a neutral game and once in a game where no one was really trying - and because of that i hadn't really payed attention to how good a green it actually is in the right hands.

After collecting the cash (which a captain shouldn't have to do but i am surrounded by lazy, incompetent layabouts) I noticed someone (probably that miscreant Alan Savage) paid with a 1906 half Penny. Next time I'll be on the lookout for people paying with sixpences, sovereigns and pound notes.

Wiggy continued his lucky streak in playing a very good bowler who happened to be very ill and in all honesty wasn't fit to play. Wiggy was only drawn at this number because Milk tray boy wasn't feeling like he could deliver at number 1. I think his ankle bracelet was chaffing and he had left the vaseline at home. Wiggy won to 5, leaving us with number 7 in the series of reasons Moseley tore his collar - demanding the sweep be paid not just straight after the game but before he went on to the green. In fact, he texted me asking for it in in the early hours of Saturday morning. Bad Form Mr Wiggins Bad Form.

Larry and wiz cancelled each other out Larry running out from 8-7 down to 8 and Wiz never really getting settled for his 8. Scotty was kicking himself and cursing some bad luck in not getting across the line and losing 20 but 15 up after four was an excellent start.

I went on 5 and dropped some bad shots at critical moments before scraping home to 18. JP was another to get so far and get stuck losing 17. Richie was excellent in his victory to 8 while Savo was always a few shots behind in his battle losing 16.

22 up after 8 it was going to be close.

Chris Greenhill bowled a very mature game listening and learning with every end before falling to 16. Jack had a nightmare start going 12 nil down and his head was as scrambled as the eggs on saturday kitchens omelette challenge. Jack pulled himself together for a spirited run that earned him 11. Chris james had another epic battle falling 1 short of victory after an inspired late run from his opponent. Dodge was on the anchor leg and bowled a good game to keep us within spitting distance of glory until the very last wood.

Congratulations to Marsh Lane. I have had apologies from nearly everyone on the team blaming that end or that shot. In truth though there is no blame as we bowled exceptionally well but Marsh Lanes last two were astonishingly good when it mattered and they won the game rather than us losing it. In hindsight we can all say what if and if only and a little more luck or experience could have got us home. The only important thing about the day is that we learn the lessons and come back more determined to grow and improve as a side and as individuals. For the standard we are at we are a good side, but there is room for all of us to grow as players and a team.

Well done team I am proud of all of you, it was a great performance and by a long margin the Clubs best on Marsh Lane now lets make me even prouder captain and be even better next time.

On the way home i had to take a detour. Dodge volunteered to get Jaymo home as he had space for a little one. Maybe Dodges eyesight is going but we don't have any little ones at the club anymore :)

1 comment:

  1. i think we need to invest in a seated trailer for the team bus..1. to spread the weight and 2. to contain the shear raw power of the 0.8ltr suprrcharged pocket rocket !
