Tuesday (not Tuesday just gone, the Tuesday before that!)
The Tuesday night titans team played host to the Pavilions. This return match was played in much nicer weather and we were back to having a proper captain in Mr PG Tips. This wasn’t a chimps tea party but I wouldn’t have been to surprised if my opponent had thrown a cream scone at me then blown me a raspberry. Disco Dave had been using one of those new walking stick wood picker up combo’s that are de-rigour these days. Toward the end of the match however, someone from the nearby houses put their stereo on and the distinctive throb of the Bee Gees disco era filled the air. That was enough for Disco Dave - he might not have felt like dancing but he stood on the centre of the green and cast aside his metal stick. Unfortunately for Dave the scene was more airplane than Saturday Night Fever and someone threw it back at him. Undeterred though Dave was a new man. Like the old ex leper in the life of brain he was cured and not only did he no longer need his walking aid but now he was running his woods up and stamping them home. It didn’t help and he lost nine but it was a whole lot of fun watching.
In other Tuesday news some less important people won, the team was victorious and we planted some flowers in chuckle corner.
Apparently there was no game but I have no recollection at all of Wednesday evening which is odd as I haven’t had a drink for some years and surely I can’t be of the age I forget whole days already. What I do remember is going to Edgbaston for a meeting and eating nice food and watching the cricket - it was lovely.
Stop the press!! We did play Wednesday and it was a rearranged game from a few weeks back against the good folk of mos eisley, but there was no Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes playing. They won, Greedo shot first and these are most certainly not the bowls you are looking for.
Talking of Bowls, at some stage during this week Alan Savage started to play with Painted ping pong balls instead of woods. They aren’t much use to strike with but you should see the top spin he can impart with the merest flick of his wrist. Savo has tried to change his name to a more table tennis friendly Won Tee Nil but nobody is buying that one.
Thursday all four of the Tavern participants in the heart of England doubles got a sight of the finals night venue and promptly wished they hadn’t.
Jack was the undisputed star of Thursday. He called up to tell us he was at the green bored and alone asking how long we would be. We arrived a few minutes later to find Jack sat with two friends who looked very peeved that their company was so badly valued. Jacko was also debuting his new central perm with shaved sides look #feartheperm . It caused great consternation as people battled to remember what he looks like most, Fog horn leghorn?, Kevin Keegan? a refugee from the 80’s? , the one from the flying pickets who used to act? The winning thought though was a prize prat. He also decided he was in Sesame street - Imagine the scene live from Hockley heath BC, the bowls comes on the TV brought to you by the letters J and S and the number 6. The screen splits into eight, the team members all taking up a square but only 7 are winning, one is losing and looking glum. The classic music plays and the scratchy voices of American kids sing “seven of these kids belong together seven of these kids are kind of the same. But one of these kids is doing his own thing” cue the count von, two, three, four, five, six Jack scores six shots.
Cup night against the Colebrook who are tearing up division four. It was a brave effort and everyone performed well with one glaring exemption, but I think enough has been written about this evening already.
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